Call for Papers
Original papers offering novel research contributions on all aspects of Security and Privacy are solicited for submission to ICSP 2024. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Cryptography
- Secure cryptographic protocols
- Post-quantum cryptography
- Quantum cryptography
- Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
- IoT security and privacy
- Cloud security
- Privacy-preserving technologies
- Biometric Security
- Security and privacy of Big Data
- Cloud and edge computing security
- Access control
- Steganography and steganalysis
- Leakage-resilient cryptography
- Cyber-physical security
- Database security
- Embedded systems security
- Lightweight security
- Authentication and authorization
- Social networks security, privacy and trust
- Wireless security
- Distributed systems security
- Cyber-physical systems security
- Verification of security protocols
- Machine Learning in Cybersecurity
- Artificial Intelligence
Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors has published elsewhere or has submitted in parallel to a
journal or any other conference/workshop that has proceedings. All submissions should start with a title,
an abstract and keywords, but must be anonymous (i.e. without author name(s), affiliation(s) and acknowledgements).
Length of the submission should not exceed 16 pages including the bibliography and well-marked appendices, and supplementary material,
and using at least 10 point fonts and reasonable margins.
Submissions must be prepared in CCIS templates
and submitted electronically in PDF format. Details on the
CCIS templates can be found here.
It is strongly recommended that submissions are processed in LaTeX. Authors are advised to check the plagiarism of their manuscripts before submission.
It should not exceed 20%. Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits.
Submission of manuscripts does not guarantee acceptance. It will be decided by the Editors, Reviewers and the Organizing Committee.
Please note that at least one author of each accepted paper should register to the conference and give a presentation at the conference in hybrid mode. Failure to register or absence from the presentation will eventually make your paper NOT being included in the conference proceedings.
CCIS Template: click here.
Submission link for full length paper: click here *.
*Submissions must be anonymous (i.e. without author name(s), affiliation(s) and acknowledgements).
Peer reviewed and selected accepted papers of the conference will be published as proceedings with Springer in their prestigious Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series, which is abstracted/indexed in Scopus, Mathematical Reviews, DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, SCImago.
Best Student Paper Award
Accepted student papers will be judged and ranked by the Program Committee. The best student papers will be considered for the Best Student Paper Award (thanks to the gracious support from IIT Bombay Trust Lab).

Accepted Papers
- SIS-Based Signature Schemes and Their Countermeasures: From Vulnerability to Vigilance : Singh, Akanksha; Chandra, Harish; Rana, Saurabh
- A Quantum Public Key Cryptographic Scheme using Entangled States and Grover Operator : Bajpayee, Soumen; Sen, Sarbani; Dey, Prithwish; Mukherjee, Imon
- Generation of Believable Fake Integral Equations for Cyber Deception : Prabhaker, Nilin; Maurya, Rahul; Bopche, Ghanshyam S; Arock, Michael
- A Security and Privacy Model For Automotive : Curcudel, Teodor C
- Advanced Image Steganography: Leveraging SLIC and QWT for Robust Data Hiding : Gatram, Sravan Kumar; Sethi, Kamalakanta; Joshi, Piyush; Bera, Padmalochan
- A Secure and Decentralized EHR System Using Blockchain and IPFS : Kumar Ch, Narendra; Kumar, Dinesh
- Construction of Boolean functions with 2k-valued Walsh Spectrum and High Nonlinearity : A U, Zeenath; KV, Lakshmy; SRINIVASAN, CHUNGATH
- On the Security of AMRIBE, Anonymous Multi-receiver Identity-based Encryption : Sarkar, Ramprasad; Sahai, Utkarsh; Mandal, Mriganka
- SQL Injection Detection : Prasanna Kumar, Yenugupalli; Vatsavayi, Valli Kumari
- Algebraic Cryptanalysis and countermeasures of Lightweight Signature Scheme based on Multivariate Quadratic Polynomials : Namdeo, Kuldeep; Mishra, Dheerendra; Srivastava, Namita
- MAP-ECC: Mutual Authentication Protocol for e-Agriculture using ECC : Pandit, Manish Kumar; Ray, Sangram; Das, Priyanka
- An Efficient and Secure Quantum Group Signature with Applications to Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks : Srivastava, Vikas; Mohanty, Tapaswini; Rao, Y. Sreenivasa
- On (Noisy) Simon's (Quantum) Algorithm for multi-shift Boolean Functions : Dutta, Suman; Jaiswal, Aarav; Maitra, Subhamoy; Roy, Debasish